Wednesday, December 11, 2013

like a pro

i'm sitting at Starbucks drinking a cup of coffee and writing this post. 
i feel like a really pro blogger.
most of the movies show that people writing blog in a coffee house are pro.....
so i'm like in one of the movies now.
i've been sitting here for more than 3 hours.
looking at people come and go....
it's not like i don't have anything better to do,
but it's kinda interesting.

i've been looking at this women.
she came in like 30 minutes ago.
she has this really upset look
and her face is getting more impatient by the minute.
she was holding on to her phone and checking it every minute.
she looks like she's waiting for someone.....
she didn't buy any drinks or food
just sitting there like a fool...
i'm starting to rhyme again....
anyway she's still there.

 there's another couple from Korea, i think...
sitting beside me....
they keep looking over to my place...
they might think that this is a real blogger...
i'm losing my mind...
they don't talk a lot.
but they do they speak kinda loud...
i'm wearing my earpieace listening to a very noisy song
and i still can hear them talking...
he's eating a cake and licking hi fork every bite....
this is so gross......

there's another girl siting in front of me....
she's alone....
everyone is....
but you can see that some are quite lonely....
there's this guy,
he's sitting just beside the girl...
he has this sad sad look on his face...
i don't know what he saw...
but his face looks like he's about to cry....

i also see lots of people coming in a group
but ended up playing their own device....
some listening to songs...
some surfing internet...
most of them on facebook....
it's kinda sad.....
i see people's post on fb with who, at where, feeling happy...
but these people are actually sitting by your side scrolling the phones.
and you just tag those people in fb....
you are sitting face to face.....
but you are not talking...
what's the point of posting it on fb if you are not talking to each other??
or you just wanna show people that i'm not anti social...
i have friends..... and we hang out together.....
but in actual fact you just sit there together....
well if that's the case...
i'd rather come out by myself
sit in the cafe myself rather than with a bunch of friends on their phone...

we gotta spend more time talking....
like face to face not through chat and stuff...

we gotta appreciate our friends....
phones and gadgets are gonna take over our lives soon.....

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